Behavior & Training

The great help of rescue dog

How many times have dogs helped society in any type of situation? Try to think how many times he risks his life to save us! Today I would like talk about rescue dogs to thank them for helping us in dangerous situations we find ourselves!
So, we could continue to speak about his very important task but I’m going to explain to you how training rescue dogs takes place.


There are only three requirements to become a rescue dog:

– a strong build and personality: to operate in any type of situation, atmospheric condition and task
– a good feeling with his owner: to obtain the total obedience of the dog.
– time: to create the good feeling between dog and owner.

The training of the rescue dog starts when the dog is 4-5 months. The first period is personality’s education. The main activity of this phase is playing because he can socialize with others people and others places.
The second stage is obedience to commands. Starting with “sit”, “on the floor” and “come here” until more difficult. The third step is emotional and mental preparation. This stage happens in a gym and is composed by exercise that allows him to face any type of dangerous situation. The last education phase is searching for missing people thanks to their nose.

So, behind a dog rescue, there is a lot of work but the most important things are surely the love and the confidence that the owner shows them!
Don’t forget, he’ll never betray you!


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